
Showing posts with label Jalapeno Cheese Bagel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jalapeno Cheese Bagel. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Bagels for Lunch by Ruth Paget

Bagels for Lunch by Ruth Paget 

Delivery has made it possible to avoid the lunch crunch lines I experienced as a young woman when I would wait in lines for sandwiches or cheeseburgers in Paris and Chicago. 

I was in line a few times when people would say at the counter, “I am still deciding” or “What comes on the cheeseburger?” These questions are innocent in and of themselves, but when asked during one-hour or half-hour lunch breaks now, they can create a tense atmosphere. 

I like how Bagel Bakery has reduced lunch line tension by using delivery and reserved take-out tables to reduce the number of people in line. Many people love toasty bagels, but it takes time to toast them correctly.  If you order ahead, you can avoid line rage. 

Some bagels I like from Bagel Bakery can be a little fragrant, making me want to eat them at home like the lox and cream cheese bagel. Lox is cured in salt water and smells briny like the ocean and tastes great. 

I also like authentic West Coast jalapeño-cheddar bagels with creams cheese with hot coffee and cream or a cold Starbucks mocha coffee, which Bagel Bakery sells. 

An office team ordering several bagels at once makes the delivery charge more palatable and gets everyone fed at once. 

A huge added plus is that delivery creates gig jobs that are taxed in California at least. Capturing money from the informal economy adds up and helps drivers pay bills with additional income. 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books