
Showing posts with label almond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label almond. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Almond Spread Hors d'oeuvres Recipe Created by Ruth Paget

Almond Spread Hors d’oeuvres Recipe Created by Ruth Paget

This nut spread tastes nice with a sweet wine like Prosecco or Chenin Blanc. 

You will need a food processor to make this dish.

Serves 4


-2 cups blanched almonds
-1/2 cup peanut oil + more for creamier spread
-4 slices white toast


1-Place almond slices and peanut oil in the bowl of a food processor.

2-Pulse the almond slices and peanut oil until you obtain a smooth paste.  Scrape down the sides of the bowl to place nut chunks by the blades.  Add more oil, if you would like a smoother spread.

3-Spread almond spread on toast.  Cut toast into fourths and serve.

By Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click here for:  Ruth Paget's Amazon Books

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