
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Bass Line: The Harmonic Composition Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget

Bass Line: The Harmonic Composition Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of harmonic composition fundamentals in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. 

Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the eighth and ninth chapters in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review or Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizers, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation Book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time.

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself of spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the eighth and ninth chapters two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Bass Line till you learn the following words: 

-Simple Part-Writing Rules 

-Composition of a Bass Line and Realization of Roman Numeral Progression

-“The Real Map” Technique 



-crossed voices

 -doubling chord members 

-overlapping voices 

-contrary motion 

-similar motion 

-parallel motion 

-oblique motion 

-part writing to the Roman Numerals 

-Penultimate Measure 

-Realization of Figured Bass 

-Resolution Rules 

-Spacing Between Voices 

-Vocal Ranges 




Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Monday, April 22, 2024

Plagal: The Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget

Plagal: The Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of harmonic organization in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the sixth and seventh chapters in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP Test Preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1,2,4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the sixth and seventh chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Plagal till you learn the following words: 

-harmonic Function 

-Roman Numerals 1 – 7 

-diatonic triads in major 

-diatonic triads in harmonic minor 

-inversions of triads 

-root position 

-first position 

-second inversion 

-inversions of seventh chords 

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

-third inversion 

-figured bass

-realization of figured bass 

-chord function 

-tonic function 


-predominant function 

-dominant function 




-perfect authentic 

-imperfect authentic 


-Phrygian half 



-resolution tones 

-tendency tones 

Have fun learning the building blacks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Solfege: The Singing and Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget

Solfege: The Singing and Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of singing and harmonic organization in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book.

Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the fourth and fifth chapters of Barron’s Music Theory Test Preparation book easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory Preparation Test. 

Skills and Related Jobs:

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation book 

-index cards 


-access to Google Pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1,2,4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on meaning and spelling.

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words.

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the fourth and fifth chapters two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Solfege till you learn the following words: 

*aural skills


-solfege syllables 


-sight singing 

-melodic dictation 

-harmonic dictation 

-melodic patterns 


-compound interval 

-consonant interval 


-diatonic interval 


-enharmonic interval 

-half step 

-harmonic interval 



*interval quality






-doubly augmented 

-doubly diminished 

-melodic interval 

-numerical or interval quantity 

-simple interval 



-whole step 





-inversions of triad

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

*seventh chords

-major major 

-major -minor seventh 

-diminished minor

 -half-diminished -minor 

-diminished -diminished 

-fully-diminished seventh 

-inversions of seventh chords 

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

-third inversion 

 Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Friday, April 19, 2024

Phrygian: The Musical Scales, Keys, and Mode Game Created by Ruth Paget

Phrygian: The Musical Scales, Keys, and Mode Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of musical scales, keys, and mode in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning concepts and understanding the illustrations in the third chapter of Barron’s AP Music easier.

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory Examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write down music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

 -Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation book

 -index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1,2,4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and the demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information.

-Learn words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself on ten words at at time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the third chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Phrygian till you learn the following words: 

*Diatonic Scale/Chord Names 






-raised submediant 


-leading tone  



-Blues scale 

-Circle of Fifths 




-key signature 

-major and minor pentachord

-major tetrachord 

-major (Ionian) 


-harmonic minor 

-melodic minor (ascending/descending) 

-natural minor 










-moveable-Do Solfege System 

-Octatonic Scale (Diminished Scale) 

-parallel key (parallel major or parallel minor) 

-Pentatonic Scale 

-relative key (relative major or relative minor)

-scalar variance 




-whole-tone scale 

Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Duple: The Musical Rhythm, Meter, and Metric Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget

Duple: The Rhythm, Meter, and Metric Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of musical rhythm, meter, and metric organization in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation Book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the second chapter of Barron’s AP Music Theory easier.  

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Test. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory exam. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation Book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

-1,2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the Barron’s AP Music Theory book for this information.

-Learn words two at a time. -When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the second chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts and illustrations. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercise on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. Do the exercises two or three times to apply what you have learned. 

-Play Duple till you have learned the following words: 

-alla breve 


-bar line 


*Beat Type 



-changing meter (multimeter) 

-common time 


-double dot 

-dotted rhythm 






-irregular meter 


-asymmetrical meter 




-note value 






-time signature (meter signature) 

Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Clefs: The Music Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget

Clefs: The Music Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary of music fundamentals in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation Book. 

Learning vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the first chapter of the Barron’s AP Music Theory book easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Exam. Having college credit awarded saves money on college tuition. 

Some high schools offer AP Test Preparation classes. It is also possible to find tutors through businesses like the Princeton Review and Kaplan. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Book 

-Index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Number of Players: 

1,2, 4, or group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the AP Music Theory book for this information.

-Learn the vocabulary words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the first chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on a separate sheet of paper until you thoroughly understand them. 

The Vocabulary or Jargon of Music Fundamentals: 

*Aspects of Sound 


-dynamic-wave height 




*Piano Keyboard 

-octave designation 

-half step 

-whole step 







-double sharp 

-double flat 

-cautionary accidental  


-G clef 

-treble clef 

-F clef 

-bass clef 


-alto clef 

-tenor clef

-neutral clef 

-grand staff 



-note head 




-bar line 

-double bar line 

-final bar line 

-ledger lines 





Have fun learning the building blocks of music theory! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Vegetarian Paneer Tikka Masala at Avatar Indian Grill in Salinas, California by Ruth Paget

Vegetarian Paneer Tikka Masala at Avatar Indian Grill in Salinas, California by Ruth Paget 

I tried vegetarian paneer tikka masala from Avatar Indian Grill in Salinas, California for lunch. I liked it and think the Indians also consider food as medicine like the Chinese do. 

I used the recipe from to find basic information about paneer tikka masala. Paneer is Indian cheese. Tikka means “grilled.” In this recipe, marinated and cubed Indian cheese is grilled before bein added to the masala gravy. Paneer Tikka Masala is a Northern Indian dish that was originally made with chicken. 

Restaurants grill the paneer cheese after marinating it. The marinade is made with yogurt, ginger garlic paste, red chile powder, garam masala (curry powder), turmeric oil, salt, and lemon juice. Avatar Indian Grill may not use this exact recipe, but it is probably a close approximation when you taste Avatar’s paneer. 

The masala gravy is made by sautéing onions, tomatoes, and cashews with turmeric, garam masala (curry powder), and red chile pepper flakes. This cooked mixture is added to a blender and mixed till smooth. This mixture is cooked again with the addition of onions, green pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, garlic ginger paste, and water. The masala is allowed to cook until thickened. 

While the masala gravy cooks, you grill the marinated paneer cheese. You add the grilled tikka cheese to the masala gravy along with cream before serving it with basmati rice and naan flatbread seasoned with black nigella seeds. 

The spices in paneer tikka masala are especially good for you along with the vegetables and the cheese (with the exception of people with allergies). I used information from Johns Hopkins Medical School, Rochester University, and BBC Good Food websites to put together the nutrition information for ingredients as they appear above: 

-ginger – eases morning sickness, cuts down on constipation and bloating, and contains antioxidants that remove free radicals that can cause cancer 

-garlic – reduces heart attack risk -red chile flakes – contain Vitamin C which is an antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body that can cause cancer  

-turmeric – is an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory that also helps prevent degenerative eye diseases  

-lemon juice – is a an antioxidant 

-onions – contain vitamin C, antioxidants and B vitamins for the metabolism

-tomatoes – contain vitamin C, an antioxidant 

-cashews – contain protein and antioxidants 

-bell peppers – contain vitamin C, vitamin B6 which forms red blood cells, and promotes bone health  

-cardamom – aids digestion, balances blood sugar levels, and lowers blood pressure 

-cinnamon – is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory 

-cloves – contain antioxidants 

-paneer cheese – contains protein and calcium 

The delicious vegetarian paneer tikka masala at Avatar Indian Grill in Salinas, California is a community asset for flavor as well as health. 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books