
Showing posts with label STEAM education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STEAM education. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Codetta: The Visual Score Analysis Game Created by Ruth Paget

Codetta: The Visual Score Analysis Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of visual score analysis in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory test preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the sixteenth chapter in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class save tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include: composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory test preparation book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the AP Music Theory book for this information.

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the sixteenth chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first so you can correct answers. 

Play Codetta till you have learned the following words: 

-alberti bass 


-cadential extension 






-concert pitch 


-contour melody 












-phrase structure 



-double period 

-parallel period 


-rag -





-small forms 



-sonata allegro 


-theme and variations 

-through composed 






-chordal homophony 

-chordal accompaniment 

-chordal texture 


-melody with accompaniment 









-imitative polyphony 

-nonimitative polyphony 

-fugal imitation 



-song form 










-walking bass

Have fun learning the building blocks of music. 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Picardy Third: The Harmonic Composition Game Created by Ruth Paget

Picardy Third: The Harmonic Composition Game Created by Ruth Paget


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of harmonic composition in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth chapters in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory test preparation book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game. 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the AP Music Theory book for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth chapters two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first so you can correct answers. 

Play Picardy Third till you have learned the following words: 

-altered chords 

-borrowed chords 

-chromatic mediants 

-closely related keys 

-common chord 

-pivot chord 

-mode mixture 


-common chord modulation 

-pivot modulation 

-direct modulation 

-chromatic modulation

 -phrase modulation 

-parallel keys 

-picardy third

-temporary tonicization 

-dominant function 


-leading-tone relationship 


-secondary function 

-secondary dominant 

-secondary leading tone 

-creating and using the road map 

-deceptive cadence 

-doubling notes in a triad 

-mode mixture 

-contrary motion 

-similar motion 

-parallel motion 

-oblique motion 


-picardy third 

-resolution rules

-secondary dominants 

-secondary leading tones 

-unequal fifths 

Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Cambiata: The Melodic Composition Game Created by Ruth Paget

Cambiata: The Melodic Composition Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of melodic composition in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) test preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the tenth chapter in Barron’s Music Theory book easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. College credit awarded for one class saves tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP Test Preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game. 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the AP Music Theory book for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the tenth chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Cambiata till you know the following words: 

-harmonic progression 

-circle progression 

-progression by thirds 

-progression by seconds 


-harmonization of a melody 

-harmonic rhythm 













-literal repetition 


-melodic inversion 

-mode mixture 

-modal borrowing 



-non-chord tones 

-non-harmonious tones 



-escape tone 


-incomplete neighbor 


-passing tones 




-neighbor tones 

-upper and lower neighbors 



-octave displacement 


-phrase structure 

-symmetrical and asymmetrical 

-periodic structure 



-parallel period 

-contrasting period 

-double period 

-repeated period 

-modulating period 


-rhythmic displacement 




Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Bass Line: The Harmonic Composition Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget

Bass Line: The Harmonic Composition Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of harmonic composition fundamentals in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. 

Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the eighth and ninth chapters in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review or Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizers, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation Book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time.

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself of spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the eighth and ninth chapters two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Bass Line till you learn the following words: 

-Simple Part-Writing Rules 

-Composition of a Bass Line and Realization of Roman Numeral Progression

-“The Real Map” Technique 



-crossed voices

 -doubling chord members 

-overlapping voices 

-contrary motion 

-similar motion 

-parallel motion 

-oblique motion 

-part writing to the Roman Numerals 

-Penultimate Measure 

-Realization of Figured Bass 

-Resolution Rules 

-Spacing Between Voices 

-Vocal Ranges 




Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Monday, April 22, 2024

Plagal: The Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget

Plagal: The Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of harmonic organization in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the sixth and seventh chapters in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP Test Preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1,2,4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the sixth and seventh chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Plagal till you learn the following words: 

-harmonic Function 

-Roman Numerals 1 – 7 

-diatonic triads in major 

-diatonic triads in harmonic minor 

-inversions of triads 

-root position 

-first position 

-second inversion 

-inversions of seventh chords 

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

-third inversion 

-figured bass

-realization of figured bass 

-chord function 

-tonic function 


-predominant function 

-dominant function 




-perfect authentic 

-imperfect authentic 


-Phrygian half 



-resolution tones 

-tendency tones 

Have fun learning the building blacks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Solfege: The Singing and Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget

Solfege: The Singing and Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of singing and harmonic organization in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book.

Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the fourth and fifth chapters of Barron’s Music Theory Test Preparation book easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory Preparation Test. 

Skills and Related Jobs:

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation book 

-index cards 


-access to Google Pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1,2,4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on meaning and spelling.

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words.

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the fourth and fifth chapters two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Solfege till you learn the following words: 

*aural skills


-solfege syllables 


-sight singing 

-melodic dictation 

-harmonic dictation 

-melodic patterns 


-compound interval 

-consonant interval 


-diatonic interval 


-enharmonic interval 

-half step 

-harmonic interval 



*interval quality






-doubly augmented 

-doubly diminished 

-melodic interval 

-numerical or interval quantity 

-simple interval 



-whole step 





-inversions of triad

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

*seventh chords

-major major 

-major -minor seventh 

-diminished minor

 -half-diminished -minor 

-diminished -diminished 

-fully-diminished seventh 

-inversions of seventh chords 

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

-third inversion 

 Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Friday, April 19, 2024

Phrygian: The Musical Scales, Keys, and Mode Game Created by Ruth Paget

Phrygian: The Musical Scales, Keys, and Mode Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of musical scales, keys, and mode in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning concepts and understanding the illustrations in the third chapter of Barron’s AP Music easier.

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory Examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write down music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

 -Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation book

 -index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1,2,4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and the demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information.

-Learn words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself on ten words at at time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the third chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Phrygian till you learn the following words: 

*Diatonic Scale/Chord Names 






-raised submediant 


-leading tone  



-Blues scale 

-Circle of Fifths 




-key signature 

-major and minor pentachord

-major tetrachord 

-major (Ionian) 


-harmonic minor 

-melodic minor (ascending/descending) 

-natural minor 










-moveable-Do Solfege System 

-Octatonic Scale (Diminished Scale) 

-parallel key (parallel major or parallel minor) 

-Pentatonic Scale 

-relative key (relative major or relative minor)

-scalar variance 




-whole-tone scale 

Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Duple: The Musical Rhythm, Meter, and Metric Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget

Duple: The Rhythm, Meter, and Metric Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of musical rhythm, meter, and metric organization in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation Book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the second chapter of Barron’s AP Music Theory easier.  

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Test. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory exam. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation Book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

-1,2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the Barron’s AP Music Theory book for this information.

-Learn words two at a time. -When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the second chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts and illustrations. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercise on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. Do the exercises two or three times to apply what you have learned. 

-Play Duple till you have learned the following words: 

-alla breve 


-bar line 


*Beat Type 



-changing meter (multimeter) 

-common time 


-double dot 

-dotted rhythm 






-irregular meter 


-asymmetrical meter 




-note value 






-time signature (meter signature) 

Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Clefs: The Music Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget

Clefs: The Music Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary of music fundamentals in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation Book. 

Learning vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the first chapter of the Barron’s AP Music Theory book easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Exam. Having college credit awarded saves money on college tuition. 

Some high schools offer AP Test Preparation classes. It is also possible to find tutors through businesses like the Princeton Review and Kaplan. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Book 

-Index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Number of Players: 

1,2, 4, or group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the AP Music Theory book for this information.

-Learn the vocabulary words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the first chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on a separate sheet of paper until you thoroughly understand them. 

The Vocabulary or Jargon of Music Fundamentals: 

*Aspects of Sound 


-dynamic-wave height 




*Piano Keyboard 

-octave designation 

-half step 

-whole step 







-double sharp 

-double flat 

-cautionary accidental  


-G clef 

-treble clef 

-F clef 

-bass clef 


-alto clef 

-tenor clef

-neutral clef 

-grand staff 



-note head 




-bar line 

-double bar line 

-final bar line 

-ledger lines 





Have fun learning the building blocks of music theory! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, Germany by Ruth Paget

Porsche Museum in Stuttgart, Germany by Ruth Paget 

Stuttgart is Germany’s richest city. Mercedes-Benz and Porsche cars are manufactured here. The city is surrounded by Riesling vineyards. The city’s cash flow is also assured as the home of reasonably priced Ritter-Sport chocolate. 

One of Stuttgart’s star attractions is the Porsche Museum. My husband Laurent and I decided to visit it and contribute to the local economy when we lived in Stuttgart for five years. 

I felt like Laurent was getting to do something he liked as one of our cultural outings. We usually visit lots of castle kitchens and monasteries with pre-Columbian vegetable gardens. I like studying medieval household management, but do recognize that cars make modern life nice, especially in the Western United States. 

We drove our GM product to the Porsche Museum, and had fun walking around the red, white, and yellow race cars in the gleaming white museum. 

Germans make great merchandise, so we headed to the gift shop to make some purchases. We bought USB ports for our computers that had model Porsche cars on their ends and looked through T-shirts, caps cups, and decks of cards with Porsche models as jacks, queens, and kings. 

I thought the T-shirts were informal surveys to see which Porsche models might sell well. 

At home, I made shrimp kebabs with shrimp I had marinated in lemon juice and crushed garlic overnight. 

We ate chic Weihenstephan yogurt as dessert. Weihenstephan is better known for its beer. The monastery brewery was founded in 1040 and has a limited number of other food products for sale in Germany. 

To finish off our meal, we drank smooth Dallmayr coffee from the department store of the same name in Munich. 

I thought the lunch was something a trim and well-off German might like. 

By Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Monday, February 24, 2020

Tagalog: U.S. - Philippines Conflict Resolution Game for AP Students Created by Ruth Paget

Tagalog: U.S. - Philippines Conflict Resolution Game for AP Students Created by Ruth Paget


As of May 7, 2023, the Philippines has a new president and is carrying out military operations with the United States.

Find out who the president is and set up a timeline for how relations were restored since 2018.

Prior Game:

Re-establish ally status with the Philippines on a firmer basis than prior agreements to contain nuclear weapons transit to the Western Pacific by China (PRC).

Historical Background:

According to the New York Times (October 16, 2018 – Malcolm Cook), the government of China has nuclear-armed submarines in operation in the South China Sea.

If these nuclear-armed submarines travel through the Luzon Strait between the Philippines and Taiwan to the West Pacific, missiles on these submarines could be within striking distance of the continental United States.

A U.S. Department of State Bilateral Fact Sheet on the Philippines dated January 31, 2020 lists many long-standing trade, diplomatic, and military agreements between our two countries yet tensions remain.

(For the U.S. Department of State Fact Sheet, click the following:

To think of ways to improve relations between our two countries, go through the levels below until you reach the conflict resolution games.

Divide your group into two groups

Group 1 will do Tasks 1 - 4

Group 2 will do Tasks 5 - 8

Groups 1 and Group 2 will meet separately to do Task 9.

Groups will meet together to do Task 10.

Task 1: Country Profile

-Locate the Philippines on a map and note surrounding countries and seas.
-What is the name of the capital city?
-What is the name of the president of the Philippines?
-How many islands make up the Philippines?
-What is the dominant religion of the Philippines?
-What is the major religion of Mindanao Island?  How did Mindanao come to practice this religion?

Task 2: National Language: Tagalog

-What are the characteristics of Tagalog?
-Does Tagalog have dialects on the different islands of the Philippines?

Task 3: Ethnic Groups

-What are the major ethnic groups that make up the Philippines?  Resources for answers might include encyclopedias and the online CIA Factbook.

Task 4: Colonial Status

-What ruler was the Philippines named for?
-What countries have been colonizers of the Philippines?
-When did the Philippines gain its independence?

Task 5: Filipino Food

-Learn about Filipino food to identify foreign and indigenous influences as well as to learn about the country’s food system:

Suggested cookbooks:

-7000 Islands:  A Food Portrait of the Philippines by Yasmin Newman

-The Philippines Cookbook by Alejandro Reynaldo

-Is the Philippines self-sufficient in food?

-What efforts have been made towards self-sufficiency in food by the Philippines?

Task 6:  Glimpses into Filipino Culture

-Watch the film The Debut by Gene Cajayon about Filipino-American youth culture.

-Watch Parts Unknown: Philippines by Anthony Bourdain

Task 7: Possible Improvements for Filipino Quality of Life

-What material resources do Filipinos need to improve their quality of life?  Ask Filipinos, if possible.

-Could the U.S. provide these resources to the Philippines?

Task 8: Possible Improvements to American Quality of Life

-Are there resources in the Philippines that Americans could buy to improve our quality of life?

Task 9:  Try Some Filipino Food

-Go to a Filipino restaurant in your neighborhood and try chicken or pork adobo (stew made with vinegar) and halo-halo (a Filipino sundae)

-Try making these items at home if you do not have Filipino restaurants in your neighborhood

-Discuss what you have learned in tasks 1 - 8.  Make notes and a formal record if you would like.

Task 10: Do a Mock Conflict Resolution Game

-Round 1

Group 1 will represent the Philippines and Group 2 will represent the United States.  

Even if you do not want to represent the country your group is in, try to learn another point of view in Round 1 to help you in Round 2.

Design a conflict resolution sheet that covers:

-U.S. view of the conflict (use State Department resources and media sources that other participants can look up via hyperlinks)

-Filipino view of the conflict (use Filipino governmental resources and media sources that other participants can look up via hyperlinks)

-U.S. needs for products and services

-Filipino needs for products and services

Relations between the United States and the Philippines are at an impasse as of March 3, 2020.  Trade between our two countries may create an atmosphere for friendly diplomatic relations to resume.

Both of our countries have rural areas that need the following services that could be used to re-establish friendly diplomatic relations:

-medical services

-dental services


-bookstores and libraries


-delivery services

-recycling centers

-public health workers

-cultural event workers


List areas where the two countries have products and services the other might need and come up with two areas where exchanges could happen to help promote the well-being of citizens in both countries.

-Round 2

Have the groups represent the country the country they did not represent in round 1 and redo this exercise to try and find two different areas of cooperation between the U.S. and the Philippines.

(Note:  The Philippines trains many nurses that work for international clients.)

Homework: Do the tasks that were not assigned to your group.

Tagalog Game Created by Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Friday, June 7, 2019

Rag-a-Muffin Players by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

Rag-a-Muffin Players by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

One of my favorite activities in junior high school was being part of a children’s theatre group called The Rag-a-Muffin Players in Clausen, Michigan.

Adult actors from the Stagecrafters group ran the children’s theatre for a fee and provided two directors:  one with a college degree in children’s theatre and the other in playwrighting.

Stagecrafters put on productions of Shakespeare and Tennessee Williams and provided a memorable workshop experience for young actors.

As child actors, the rag-a-muffins did the following:

-auditioned for plays written for children and acted in them (there were many street scenes, so everyone had several parts)

-learned about theatre make-up

-learned about hairstyles for different parts

-learned about lighting

-blocked scenes so actors would not trip over props or each other and made maps for stage hands to follow when setting up sets

-read through plays to rehearse them

-painted scenery and props

-participated in director workshops

-attended puppet shows to learn about the importance of voice in acting

-helped publicize our plays with posters and school presentations

-performed readers theatre with small books to practice pronunciation, learn new vocabulary, and develop characters with voice alone

I was occupied Thursday through Saturday and did homework after rehearsal till my mother picked me up after work.

Almost every young person in America would like theatre experience.  Actors could run many of these workshops for extra income on rented stages in community centers, churches, and perhaps schools while offering reasonable rates to parents.

By Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

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