
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

French Cuisine and Status by Ruth Paget

French Cuisine and Status by Ruth Paget 

Maryann Tebben shows how the French have used their cuisine to establish itself as an elite nation in the world in her book Savoir-Faire: A History of Food in France. 

Tebben begins her book by writing that when King Louis XIV set up a royal printing press the first books he had published were cookbooks to be distributed throughout Europe to reflect the splendor of his court at Versailles. 

Reviewing restaurants that ensured travelers, especially businessmen and nobility, good meals promoted competition to provide high quality food that guaranteed a secure livelihood for inn and restaurant owners.  

Many French writers included significant scenes devoted to food in their books. Tebben provides samples of this kind of writing at the end of her chapters. Food becomes more than sustenance in this way be calling up emotion and making cultural references. 

Bourgeois homes in France eventually adopted the food system of the aristocracy and the royalty by planning marketing based on seasonal products. Once food was purchase at the market, bourgeois homes planned meals for the upcoming week and set up pantries or garde mangers Tebben writes. 

Discussing food and wine at the dinner table is a practice the French still keep alive, creating tomorrow’s gastronomes among youth. 

For a well-documented glimpse into the world of French cuisine, Savoir-Faire by Maryann Tebben is an informative and enjoyable read. 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Codetta: The Visual Score Analysis Game Created by Ruth Paget

Codetta: The Visual Score Analysis Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of visual score analysis in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory test preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the sixteenth chapter in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class save tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include: composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory test preparation book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the AP Music Theory book for this information.

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the sixteenth chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first so you can correct answers. 

Play Codetta till you have learned the following words: 

-alberti bass 


-cadential extension 






-concert pitch 


-contour melody 












-phrase structure 



-double period 

-parallel period 


-rag -





-small forms 



-sonata allegro 


-theme and variations 

-through composed 






-chordal homophony 

-chordal accompaniment 

-chordal texture 


-melody with accompaniment 









-imitative polyphony 

-nonimitative polyphony 

-fugal imitation 



-song form 










-walking bass

Have fun learning the building blocks of music. 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Picardy Third: The Harmonic Composition Game Created by Ruth Paget

Picardy Third: The Harmonic Composition Game Created by Ruth Paget


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of harmonic composition in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth chapters in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory test preparation book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game. 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the AP Music Theory book for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth chapters two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first so you can correct answers. 

Play Picardy Third till you have learned the following words: 

-altered chords 

-borrowed chords 

-chromatic mediants 

-closely related keys 

-common chord 

-pivot chord 

-mode mixture 


-common chord modulation 

-pivot modulation 

-direct modulation 

-chromatic modulation

 -phrase modulation 

-parallel keys 

-picardy third

-temporary tonicization 

-dominant function 


-leading-tone relationship 


-secondary function 

-secondary dominant 

-secondary leading tone 

-creating and using the road map 

-deceptive cadence 

-doubling notes in a triad 

-mode mixture 

-contrary motion 

-similar motion 

-parallel motion 

-oblique motion 


-picardy third 

-resolution rules

-secondary dominants 

-secondary leading tones 

-unequal fifths 

Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Cambiata: The Melodic Composition Game Created by Ruth Paget

Cambiata: The Melodic Composition Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of melodic composition in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) test preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the tenth chapter in Barron’s Music Theory book easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. College credit awarded for one class saves tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP Test Preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game. 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in the AP Music Theory book for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the tenth chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Cambiata till you know the following words: 

-harmonic progression 

-circle progression 

-progression by thirds 

-progression by seconds 


-harmonization of a melody 

-harmonic rhythm 













-literal repetition 


-melodic inversion 

-mode mixture 

-modal borrowing 



-non-chord tones 

-non-harmonious tones 



-escape tone 


-incomplete neighbor 


-passing tones 




-neighbor tones 

-upper and lower neighbors 



-octave displacement 


-phrase structure 

-symmetrical and asymmetrical 

-periodic structure 



-parallel period 

-contrasting period 

-double period 

-repeated period 

-modulating period 


-rhythmic displacement 




Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Bass Line: The Harmonic Composition Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget

Bass Line: The Harmonic Composition Fundamentals Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of harmonic composition fundamentals in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. 

Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the eighth and ninth chapters in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review or Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizers, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation Book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1, 2, 4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time.

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself of spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the eighth and ninth chapters two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Bass Line till you learn the following words: 

-Simple Part-Writing Rules 

-Composition of a Bass Line and Realization of Roman Numeral Progression

-“The Real Map” Technique 



-crossed voices

 -doubling chord members 

-overlapping voices 

-contrary motion 

-similar motion 

-parallel motion 

-oblique motion 

-part writing to the Roman Numerals 

-Penultimate Measure 

-Realization of Figured Bass 

-Resolution Rules 

-Spacing Between Voices 

-Vocal Ranges 




Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Monday, April 22, 2024

Plagal: The Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget

Plagal: The Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of harmonic organization in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book. Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the sixth and seventh chapters in Barron’s Music Theory easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP Test Preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the Music Theory examination. 

Skills and Related Jobs: 

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory book 

-index cards 


-access to Google pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1,2,4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn the words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on spelling and meaning. 

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words. 

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the sixth and seventh chapter two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Plagal till you learn the following words: 

-harmonic Function 

-Roman Numerals 1 – 7 

-diatonic triads in major 

-diatonic triads in harmonic minor 

-inversions of triads 

-root position 

-first position 

-second inversion 

-inversions of seventh chords 

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

-third inversion 

-figured bass

-realization of figured bass 

-chord function 

-tonic function 


-predominant function 

-dominant function 




-perfect authentic 

-imperfect authentic 


-Phrygian half 



-resolution tones 

-tendency tones 

Have fun learning the building blacks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Solfege: The Singing and Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget

Solfege: The Singing and Harmonic Organization Game Created by Ruth Paget 


Learn the vocabulary or jargon of singing and harmonic organization in Barron’s AP (Advanced Placement) Music Theory Test Preparation book.

Learning the vocabulary first makes learning the concepts and understanding the illustrations in the fourth and fifth chapters of Barron’s Music Theory Test Preparation book easier. 

Some junior colleges and colleges will award college credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the AP Music Theory Examination. Having college credit awarded for one class saves on tuition money. 

Some high schools offer AP test preparation classes. Some businesses like Princeton Review and Kaplan can find tutors for the AP Music Theory Preparation Test. 

Skills and Related Jobs:

Mastering AP Music Theory will allow you to read and write music. 

Related jobs include composer, musician (if you practice), singer (if you practice), concert organizer, and music industry writer. 

Materials Needed: 

-Barron’s AP Music Theory Test Preparation book 

-index cards 


-access to Google Pronunciation 

Number of Players: 

1,2,4, or a group of single players for a society game 


-Create flash cards with the vocabulary word on the front and the definition, symbol, and/or demonstration notes on the back. Look in AP Music Theory for this information. 

-Learn words two at a time. 

-When you have learned ten words, test yourself on meaning and spelling.

-Continue to test yourself ten words at a time till you have learned all the words.

-Once you have learned the vocabulary words, read the fourth and fifth chapters two or three times to see if you understand the concepts. 

-Finally, practice doing the exercises on separate sheets of paper first, so you can correct answers. 

Play Solfege till you learn the following words: 

*aural skills


-solfege syllables 


-sight singing 

-melodic dictation 

-harmonic dictation 

-melodic patterns 


-compound interval 

-consonant interval 


-diatonic interval 


-enharmonic interval 

-half step 

-harmonic interval 



*interval quality






-doubly augmented 

-doubly diminished 

-melodic interval 

-numerical or interval quantity 

-simple interval 



-whole step 





-inversions of triad

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

*seventh chords

-major major 

-major -minor seventh 

-diminished minor

 -half-diminished -minor 

-diminished -diminished 

-fully-diminished seventh 

-inversions of seventh chords 

-root position 

-first inversion 

-second inversion 

-third inversion 

 Have fun learning the building blocks of music! 

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click for Ruth Paget's Books