French Club
Activity: Drawing Picture Sentences Game
to Improve French Noun-Gender Recall by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget
Noun-Gender Recall for French Nouns using drawing to create picture sentences
to help focus on gender-noun recall.
Method: 10 Tasks
Task 1 - Build a French noun
(things) list using a reading teacher’s reference book, such as:
The Reading Teacher’s
Book of Lists 5th Edition by Edward B. Fry and Jacqueline E. Kress
learners can use this book to build noun lists from lower elementary grades up
through high school.
words are words like “table” and “chairs.”
Task 2 – Look up the French
translation of the words you selected, noting the gender designation that goes
with the word – le, la, or l’.
Task 3 – Draw a picture of
the word 5 times saying the word and the gender designation.
Task 4 – Draw a picture-word
sentence using the word such as:
see the chair.
I, draw a picture of your head
see, draw a picture of eyeballs
“the chair,” write “la chaise.
together, write “Je vois la chaise” under the pictures you draw.
Task 5 – After finishing your
picture sentences, read the sentences out 10 times before going to bed.
Task 6 – Test yourself by
typing nouns and gender designations into an Excel sheet and alphabetize by
French noun.
row lengths, so you have space to write, and test yourself on genders of nouns.
Task 7 – Score your test to
see how many gender designations you got right.
score and date.
Task 8 – Repeat gender
designation and noun test daily until, you get a perfect score.
Task 9 – Do test weekly, once
you have made a 100% score
Task 10 – Keep track of scores
with breakdowns on le, la, l’ to see where you need to improve memorization.
Desired Objective:
100% recall on nouns
with gender designations.
Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France
Click here for: Ruth Paget's Amazon Books
Click here for: Ruth Paget's Amazon Books