
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Touring Fontainebleau: Visiting the "Family Home" Chateau of the French Royals and Napoleon by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

Touring Fontainebleau: Visiting the “Family Home” Château of the French Royals and Napoleon by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

On another one of our weekend jaunts around the French countryside, Laurent and I drove out to the Château de Fontainebleau south of Paris.

We drove through the famous Fontainebleau Forest listening to Jean-Michel Jarre and Mylène Farmer music and songs on the radio.  The sunny weather with a crisp breeze made it a perfect day for visiting.

The forest around Fontainebleau teems with game and made it a favorite spot for hunting with the French royalty.  The French Kings lavished art on the château here to embellish what they called “the family home.”

The family home for Francis the First featured art by the 16th century Mannerist artists from Italy named Il Rosso and Primaticcio.  These artists decorated the château at Fontainebleau with mythological art and stucco sculpture of human figures arching to the point of contortion almost.

The most dramatic part of Fontainebleau is the two-armed “Staircase of Farewells.”  A defeated Napoleon thanked his supporters on this staircase and went off to imprisonment on the Island of Elba.

We watched people feed the carp in the fish pond and enjoyed a walk in the garden.

Peacocks wandered around the grounds; reincarnated monarchs perhaps?

We went to an air-conditioned mall with bathrooms and ate at Flunch – they make homemade traditional French meals everyday.  We went shopping at the anchor hypermarket, bought candy, bought herbal shampoos at the pharmacy, and sandwiches for dinner.

Fontainebleau is fun.  I recommend it as an outing.

By Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click here for:  Ruth Paget's Amazon Books

Ruth Paget Selfie