
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Visiting Knossos (Greece - Isle of Crete) to see the Minoan Palace with Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

Knossos (Greece – Island of Crete):  Visiting the Minoan Palace and the Toplou Monastery with Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

We set out for the Minoan Palace ruins, Heraklion Archaeological Museum, and the Toplou Monastery on the weekend.  Even my husband Laurent was getting tired of going to the beach all the time now.

You could walk around the Minoan Palace at Knossos unlike the Acropolis and Erectheon in Athens.  Knossos with its vermillion red painting was beautiful and maybe too well preserved.

Knossos was an ancient civilization that existed between 1700 BC and 1400 BC.  The society was said to be matriarchal.

The paintings of soaring blue dolphins and dancers jumping over charging bulls delighted me.  (These paintings are copies.  The real ones are in the Archaeological Museum in Heraklion.)

Our next stop was the Archaeological Museum in Heraklion, the most famous work of art in the museum in addition to the dolphin paintings and bull dancer paintings is a statuette of a goddess wielding coiling snakes in both of her hands.

The next day was beach filled and palm tree filled.  We went to the beach at Vai and admired the largest grove of palm trees in Europe. Was this a permanent coconut milk source for cocktails I wondered.

I read books under a beach parasol on a comfy chaise lounge until my husband Laurent got his chestnut-colored suntan.  He put on his Ray-Bans, and we walked back to the car to do some cultural tourism.

We stopped at the Toplou Monastery on the way home.  It was built of stone, had yellow doorframes, and planters full of what seemed to be lemon trees.

Very few tourists were there.  I felt privileged to see the interior courtyard of a monastery, view the dining area and kitchen, and visit the chapel and library.

Back in Heraklion, I went out shopping for books.  I just bought one, but it was a great geeky read called Modern Greece:  A Short History by C. M. Wodehouse.

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click here for:  Ruth Paget's Amazon Books

Ruth Paget Selfie