
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Watching Eagles Dive for Food in the Wisconsin River with Juilliard Graduate Florence Paget by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

Watching Eagles Dive for Food in the Wisconsin River and other activities with Juilliard Graduate Florence Paget by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

There were many activities for families to do in Madison (Wisconsin) that you could find out about in the community pages of the local newspapers.  Other communities might like to build and look for similar activities in their communities.  Some more of the fun places that we went to in Madison included:

The Children’s Museum

Viewing Diving Eagles in Praire du Sac (Wisconsin)

Saturday Kid’s Day Out

Madison Children’s Museum

My little family discovered the Madison Children’s Museum with its great dairy exhibit during a New Year’s celebration in downtown Madison.

One of the downtown banks was a sponsor of this event.  On our way to the warm bank’s interior, we met a clown on stilts, who fascinated Florence.  We ate German gingerbread cookies, drank warm cider, and picked up pamphlets on financial products before venturing outside.

We went to see the Capital’s Rotunda and walked around in circles looking up.  I showed Florence her great-great grandfather’s name that is engraved around the dome as one of the soldiers who fought in the Civil War and survived. 

We picked up pamphlets on financial products from the bank on the way out as the East High School Choir sang The Twelve Days of Christmas.

Then, we set out for the Children’s Museum.  They were offering free hayrides outside, but it was cold; our blood had not thickened up for a Wisconsin winter yet.

The first exhibit room we visited at the Children’s Museum was about the ecology of lakes called “Leap into Lakes.”  Florence loved playing with a pinball-like machine that demonstrated what watershed was.

Then, she played inside a model fish and looked upside down at a turtle in a tabletop pond.

We continued on to what I called the Romping Room where Florence ran up and down ramps and under bridges.  She was quite happy there.

We went upstairs where they had exhibits dedicated to the dairy industry.  This was Wisconsin after all.

Florence loved the life-sized models of the cows.  I think she spent two hours pretending to clean them with a brush.  She liked the automatic milking machine, too.

Next to the cows were a model cheese factory and a child-sized soda parlor that children could play in.  Florence served my husband and me meals made of rubber cheese sandwiches and ice cream sandwiches.

We bought family memberships to the Children’s Museum and went there at least once a month.  I had Florence work with art supplies after we visited the Children’s Museum and decorate her bedroom with the artwork.

Viewing Diving Eagles in Praire du Sac (Wisconsin)

We went to Sauk City and Prairie du Sac with Florence to see the bald eagles by Dam Heights Road outside Praire du Sac.  We all liked watching the seagulls and eagles swoop down amidst the fishermen to nab fish.

My husband and Florence walked down to the riverbank where Florence threw some dead fish into the river for the eagles to swoop down at, catch, and eat.

We went to a restaurant with a view on the Wisconsin River, where Florence’s hands were thoroughly washed.  We had grilled chicken sandwiches for lunch.

While we were eating, I told Florence that eagles are the “symbol of the United States.”  I mentioned that fish were below eagles in the River’s food ladder.

Kids’ Day Out

The local newspapers’ community sections in Madison were full of free or inexpensive activities for families to do.

One Saturday morning, my husband took Florence to our neighborhood park where they practiced kicking a soccer ball around.  (The US has a great women’s soccer team.)

When they came home, we set out to see Wayne the Wizard’s Spooky Halloween show.  I was laughing very hard as Wayne kept running around with test tubes that smelled like farts.

Florence finally said, “You’re embarrassing me!” which made me laugh even more.

“Who plans this zany stuff?” I asked myself.

After the show, we drove around the Sherwood Neighborhood to see Frank Lloyd Wright’s Unitarian Church.

By Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click here for:  Ruth Paget's Amazon Books

Ruth Paget Selfie