
Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Attending a Renaissance Faire with Juilliard Graduate Florence Paget by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

Attending a Renaissance Faire with Juilliard Graduate Florence Paget by Savvy Mom Ruth Paget

During one of Laurent’s cruises, Florence and I headed out to the Renaissance Faire sponsored by the Norfolk Public Schools and the Hermitage Museum in Norfolk (Virginia).

Florence and I went through the Hermitage Museum twice before going out to the Renaissance Faire.

The three-way mirrors in the dressing room interested Florence.  I showed her the Chinese bronze vessels, but she asked, “Can we look at something more interesting?”

I showed her the Renaissance Museum’s Kuan Yin downstairs.  She recognized the goddess of mercy and said, “That’s like the statue I broke by mistake at home with my beach ball.”

Despite the remark, the tour guide let Florence handle the lacqueur boxes with fifty sons on them and some cloisonné birds.

Outside on the huge lawn, the Chrysler Museum set up an art activity for kids to make Chinese fans.  The children used popsicle sticks for the handles and inserted red tassels through a hole in the bottom of the popsicle stick.

Then, the children colored a round cardboard with Asian motifs and pasted this to the handle.  Florence chose a bamboo design that I liked, too.

More multicultural exhibits and events rounded out the fair.  On the outdoor stage, a group of children performed a healing dance from Ghana.

Another exhibit had imitation canopic jars from Egypt.

“In Egypt, they kept body parts like hearts in jars like this after a person died.  Their spirit called a “ka” was supposed to be in these body parts.  Doctors could also check if the person died of poison,” I told Florence.

“That’s gross,” Florence remarked.

We laughed about goopy guts all the way back to the car and went to air-conditioned Pizza Hut for lunch.

By Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click here for:  Ruth Paget's Amazon Books

Ruth Paget Selfie