
Monday, May 18, 2020

Asparagus Canoe Hors d'oeuvres Recipe Created by Ruth Paget

Asparagus Canoe Hors d’oeuvres Recipe Created by Ruth Paget

I loved finding white asparagus (spargel) at the Edeka (Gebauer’s) Supermarket where I shopped when I lived in Stuttgart, Germany.  I knew warmer weather was coming when I saw the spargel for sale.

This hors d’oeuvres is easier to make with canned asparagus, because it is soft.  Green asparagus is easier to find in the United States, so that is what I use here.  If you use fresh asparagus, steam it for ½ hour before using it.

Serves 4


-1 tablespoon olive oil
-1 large, peeled, and chopped onion
-1 teaspoon dry garlic
-1 (15-ounce) can drained green asparagus which should be chopped into ½-inch segments
-1 cup sour cream
-8 washed celery stalks with the bottom cut off so the stalks can lie flat on a serving tray


1-Sauté the onions and garlic in the olive oil for 5 minutes.

2-Put onion mixture in a bowl and add chopped asparagus.

3-Add sour cream to the onion-asparagus mixture.

4-Fill the celery cavities with the asparagus-onion mixture. 

5-Cut the celery into 2-inch segments and place on a tray for serving.

Serve with carrot-beet juice.

By Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click here for:  Ruth Paget's Amazon Books