
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Cauliflower - Sour Cream Celery Canoe Hors d'oeuvres Recipe Created by Ruth Paget

Cauliflower – Sour Cream Celery Canoe Hors d’oeuvres Recipe Created by Ruth Paget

Monterey County California has so much cauliflower that we even make and sell cauliflower crust vegetable pizzas here.  This simple hors d’oeuvres looks and tastes better with paprika.

Serves 4


-1 pound head of cauliflower chopped into small sections
-1 peeled and chopped onion
-1 cup sour cream
-2 tablespoons Szeged or Chinita paprika
-8 stalks celery


1-Place chopped onion in water below steamer with the cauliflower.  The onion will flavor the cauliflower.

2-Steam cauliflower for 30 minutes.  It needs to be mushy for this recipe.

3-Remove cauliflower from steamer and mash in a bowl with a fork.

3-Add sour cream and paprika to the mashed cauliflower and mix.

4-Place cauliflower mixture in celery cavities.  Cut celery into 2-inch segments and serve.

By Ruth Paget, author of Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Ruth Paget Selfie