
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Shrimp-Sour Cream Celery Canoe Hors d'oeuvres Created by Ruth Paget

Shrimp-Sour Cream Celery Canoe Hors d’oeuvres Created by Ruth Paget

This fancy hors d’oeuvres makes great use of “shrimp in the freezer.”  I like to drink chenin blanc wine with this hors d’oeuvres.

Serves 4


-1/2 pound thawed and peeled shrimp
-2 tablespoons olive oil
-1 teaspoon dry garlic
-1 (4-ounce) can drained and chopped black California olives
-1 cup sour cream
-8 washed celery stalks with the bottom cut off so the stalks lie flat on a serving dish


1-Sauté shrimp for 10 minutes in olive oil and garlic.

2-Chop shrimp into small pieces.  Add chopped olives and sour cream to the shrimp and mix well.

3-Place shrimp-sour cream mixture in the cavities of the celery.

4-Cut the celery into 2-inch segments and serve.

By Ruth Paget, author Eating Soup with Chopsticks and Marrying France

Click here for:  Ruth Paget's Amazon Books

Ruth Paget Selfie